If it was indeed made on November 3, it is my parents wedding anniversary. I don't know which year it was but it's around 1960 that they got married. (My Singer 15-91 was born on the same year my mother was born. Interesting relationships I'm having with sewing machines....)

Ever since I
It showed up one day when I wasn't even specifically looking for one.
I was learning back then that there was this interesting destiny dance when it came to looking for vintage sewing machines. "The right machine will show up at the right time." It is really true. So I decided to wait, rather than actively looking for one. It sure came to me!
At this pristine condition, and the price was amazingly reasonable, I knew she was for me!
Ooooo, and did I mention it has a Red-S badge?
Here is the bottom. When I removed the drip pan to see inside, again, I was surprised how clean it was. I wasn't sure if this sewing machine was ever used until I opened up the bottom, there it did have some old oil residue. (Well, maybe it was oiled but never used?! Maybe used just once?!)
It was owned by Ms. or Mrs. or Mr. Lennon. John?!
The case was a bit scratched. So, when I first went to see the machine and saw the case, I wasn't all that excited. But you know, you can't judge a machine by its case! It has done a terrific job protecting the baby inside.
The liner inside is in tact.A few more photos. Just because.
I'm calling her Esther. I made Esther an extension table cover so that the screw knob on the faceplate wouldn't scratch the table. Great idea. I got that idea from Michelle of Life With Lou via Tammy's Craft Emporium. (I've already shown this photo in my previous post, but, hey, you don't mind, do you?!)
By the way, it's interesting that I do want to name all my sewing machines, but I don't usually come up with a name until I start writing about her. My Featherweight was nameless until today.
I think just about everyone who collects vintage sewing machines eventually ends up with at least one Singer Featherweight. I now have one, so I'm not looking for any more Featherweight. (well, unless it's the mint green one.... maybe..... definitely.... for sure) However, there is one courting with me right now. I shall see if it ends up with me.
If you are looking for Featherweight manuals and attachment list, here is a link to the ISMAC site with attachment list and free manual download. Download manuals are also free at the Singer's site. You can also buy printed booklet manuals there. By the way, not only you can date your machines at Singer's site with the serial number, if you go to My Singer Story, scroll down to the bottom and put in your pre-1970 Singer sewing machine serial number, you'll instantaneously receive a little 'birth certificate' of your sewing machine that you can print. It's kind of cute.
For those who have a Featherweight or two (or three), do you actually use your Featherweight, or does it sit in the case? When and for what do you use it? Do you have and use a zigzagger with your Featherweight? (I want a zigzagger!)